6 Yoga Poses for Runners: Stretching Beyond the Finish Line

In the first of a series of blogs for Run in the Dark, yoga, meditation and mindfulness teacher Lee Tracey talks through 6 yoga poses to complement and enhance your running training… and they can all be done on your living room floor!

As you read this, imagine you are out pounding the pavement, perhaps jogging along the beach, running the canal, or doing laps of the local park. Imagine feeling the fresh air on your face, being mindful of being outside in the natural environment instead of just seeing it from a car or office window and feeling your heartbeat, your blood flow, and your breath moving in and out of your body, allowing the tensions of the day to fade into the background as you pay attention to the present moment.

Not so different from the foundations of yoga, right? Being in the now, paying attention to how you feel, challenging your body and mind, and beneath all that, the foundation of feeling good and feeding into your well-being.

Focus on fundamentals

Sometimes, we get so caught up in one discipline or another that we forget that there are essential elements to all that are fundamentally the same. Good for the body, a release for the mind, a connection to the soul. Whether that happens for you on the mat or on the running trail, it makes no difference.

I would not consider myself a natural runner. I don’t have long legs or an easy gait, nor that bounce that some runners just have naturally. However, I know the benefits of running and have running sessions built into my regular fitness regime. I also know the physical impact that running can have on your body which is why it can be useful to build a good yoga or stretching routine into your weekly training sessions.

Benefits of yoga & stretching

Not only can yoga help improve your times, stamina, and resilience, but it’s also great for injury prevention, bringing awareness to potential issues, and creating some much-needed rest and restoration for your wonderful body.

So how can we enhance the experience of running while taking care of our bodies?

First, let’s look at the physical aspects. Due to the high level of repetitive movement and force on the legs, runners often experience tightness or aggravation in the hamstrings, hips, and calves. Sometimes even the ankle and the feet.

I’ve listed six of the poses that complement running the best. These can be done pre run, post run, or whenever you have the time. My preference is doing this routine as a post-run yoga session.

1. Downward Facing Dog

Woman Doing Downward Dog Pose

For the hamstrings and back, try downward-facing dog with hands and feet on the ground and your hips high to the sky in an inverted V shape. Here you can peddle out your heels and feel the stretch at the back of your legs. Try not to round at the upper back by bending your knees and rolling your shoulders back away from your ears.

Stay in down dog for about 10 breaths.

2. Lizard

Woman Doing Lizard Pose

The Lizard pose is really effective for stretching and strengthening the hips, hamstrings, groins, and quads. From down dog (that inverted V position), step your right foot to the outside of your right hand. You can drop your back knee here or keep it lifted depending on where you are in your practice and your sensitivity in the knee. Keeping your chest forward and collar bones broad, feel the stretch in your hip. If you find you can go a little further, then you can play around with coming down onto your forearms to make this stretch more intense. Stay for 10 breaths and then swap sides.

3. Pigeon

Woman Doing Pigeon Pose

Pigeon pose also works wonders for your hips – and your thighs, groin, back, piriformis, and psoas.

From the down dog position, bring your right shin towards the front on your mat, aiming for in between your arms. With your pelvis on the ground, ensure your back leg is in line; with your ankle, knee, and hip, then square your hips as much as possible to the front of your mat. You can stay upright here, lengthening the tailbone and drawing the belly button in, or lay down over the front shin making the stretch more intense by adding weight over the front leg. You can also move the front foot away from the body more to intensify the stretch or move the foot towards the groin to decrease the intensity. Stay for 10 – 20 breaths.

This is a deep hip opener, so focusing on your breath will be helpful here. If you have issues with your knees or if this is too strong, try this alternative – lie on your back and put one shin over the opposite thigh, and draw the legs in toward the chest to feel the stretch.

4. Forward Fold Variation

Woman Doing Standing Forward Fold

For tight IT bands and a good stretch for the whole backside of your body, try this wide stance forward fold variation with one leg crossed over the other. Step your feet 2–3 feet apart and hinge forward until your hands touch the ground, keeping a neutral spine. If you have trouble touching the floor, place your hands on a block or a chair. Walk your hands to the right, allowing your whole body to revolve so your feet and head face away from their starting points. Stop when your hips and thighs reach their max rotation. Your right leg will be in front of your left. Hold for 5–10 breaths, then repeat on the other side.

5. Bridge Pose

Woman Doing Bridge Pose

For your lower back, finish with Bridge Pose and a simple Supine Twist to relieve any tension in the back and open the front of the body, which can become hunched over when running. This combo is excellent for releasing your lower back and stretching the Glutes, Hips, Obliques, and Chest.

Lying on your back, place your feet on the floor with your knees pointing towards the sky, arms alongside your body, with palms pressing down into the earth. Lengthen your tailbone, bringing your pubic bone towards your belly button, press your feet and arms into the ground, and lift your pelvis and spine towards the ceiling. Stay here for 5 – 10 breaths and repeat 3 times.

6. Supine Twist

Woman Doing Supine Twist

Then simply allow your knees to fall to the right, turning your head to the left into a supine twist. Stay here for 5 – 10 breaths and repeat on the other side.

You should feel restored, refreshed, and stretched after these simple poses, ensuring that your training regime is effective, safe, and has longevity so you can keep doing what you love.

About Lee

Lee Tracey is a yoga, meditation, and mindfulness teacher based in Dublin. She is interested in sharing practices that serve in helping people to live more fulfilling, mindful, and vibrant lives. She works with studios and corporates in Ireland as well as shares her passion at festivals and events throughout Europe, and is a Lululemon ambassador. She has trained worldwide, from Dublin to Costa Rica to New York City, and she has been lucky enough to learn from some of the very best in their field. Her goal is to share what she has learned in an accessible and engaging way through movement, community initiatives, connection, and awareness. A keen runner, Lee will be blogging for Run in the Dark about yoga, wellness, and motivation.


Run in the Dark

As darkness sweeps around the globe every November, 25,000 people worldwide get up from their armchairs, slip on their red flashing armbands and pull on their running shoes to complete a 5k or 10k. From Sydney to San Francisco, together, we run for those who dream to walk.

Sign up to Run in the Dark from June each year, or join the waitlist and we’ll let you know when registration opens.